yang terindah
sedihnya hati saya bila awak ignore saya kaw kaw , terguris sangat hati neh awak , rasa nak menangis sepanjang berada dalam flight nanti , rendu nyaa dekaaat awak , rendunyaa nak dengar awak gelaaaak , bila baca status awak , i was like , takpa laa awak , sye terima ini seadanyaaa , insya allah awak , ada hikmah semua neh kaaaan , i miss you , die tahu saya sayanga awak sangat , saya doakan awak bahagia okaaaaaay P , i love you hardly
kemas barang sebab dah eksitedd nak balik semenanjunggg :D
hari neh mmg aku dah tak ada class , so aku habiskan masa aku untuk bilik tercinta aku , haha , so aku punn buat keputusan yang aku nak tido sampai petang , lepas tuh baru laaa aku nak kemas barang segala , cuci baju , haha , padahal flight gua jumaat malam , haha , tak saba and eksiteeeed laa katanyaaaa :D tak saba nak pijak PJ neh woiiih :D
rasa nya baru semalam aku menyambut raya , tanpa aku sedar , dah setahun berlalu semua tuh :) time neh the whole family balik negeri sembilan , the best kampung ever :D kire cousin aku semua gempak laa kat sana ,
k bai , esok aku nak pijak PJ :D tunggu aku ehh kawan kawan :)
selamat hari rayaaa :)
dengan kemanisan wajah aku diatas , aku nak ucapkan "selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin" hehe , teringat kampung halaman yang banyak sangat budak main lari lari dengan kawan kawan mereka , ikut mana jee kawan kawan nak pegi dengan harapan nak duet raya lebih dari tuan rumah , minum air seteguk , kueh sebijik , pastu cakap kat makcik uhh , "nak balik laa makcik , banyak rumah nak pegi beraya neh " uwahhh , bukan main sadis laa budak2 neh , tak sempat , lalau makcik tu punn bagi sorang satu sampul duet rayaaaaa , haha , mereka balik dengan harapan aku tujuhpuluhsembilanribu ringgit , haha
mempersembahkan muke calon isteri idaman , haha , perasaaaaaaan nak mati laa lu minah :) >,<
haha , kesah apa aku , calon ke apa ke , yang penting calon isteri terbaik untukkkk -,- hehe , salah ke nak berkongsi rasa bahagia buat masa sekaraaaang ? hee , bahagia tak pasal pasal kaaaan , balik nanti menangis tak henti , masih lagi diganggu kenangan ketika muda remaja , mengikut budak kampung berjalaaaan , dengan harapan banyak duet raya yang dapat di raih , tapiii ? err "makcik tu kedekut laaa , rumah jee besa , tapi bagi lima kupang jaaa" haha , kalut nak dapat duet banyak , tapi habuk punn tak dak , Wehee
*cantiknyaaa wanita idaman :D
sorry laa , gua terlebih eksitedd sebab nak balik semenanjung , kurang dari 48 jam aku nak boardinggg , tunggu aku balik tau PJ , rendu nyaa dekat PJ , rasa macam balik nanti nak peluk cium PJ laaaa , biasa laaa , tempat tumpah darah laa katakan , aku anak jati PJ laa braaaaah ! tak ada mix okaaaaaay , saya bangga menjadi anak PJ :D
okaaaay laaa bai , see you then :D
*kamek mok pgi kesaaaaaaaaaat :D HORMAT :P
time neh aku rasa dunia neh aku yang punyaaaaaa :D
alhamdulillah aku dah ada mood berblogging lagy , tapi hanya laa sekadar meluahkan perasaan aku neh , dua tiga hari neh aku ada laa stalk sorg ex aku nehh , haha , mmg lawak laa pada mula nyaa , tapi makin lama stalk ia menyebabkan diri sendiri panas , taktau laa apa sebab musabab yang membuatkan aku marah tgk profile die , ohhhmyyyjaaaaaaaay , knpe aku tgk die punyeee profile hari neh ? kan dah kne batang hidung aku sendiri , sedihhh , uwaaaa , tak terkataaa babeee , nak nanes sume ade , tuh laa kan , sapa suruh gatal tangan nak search die kaaan , kan dah kneee , alamaaaaak , setepekkk ! kalau nak kata sedih punn msty orang tnyee asal laa aku susah susah nak sedih sebab die , sebab aku renduu kau kadang kadang laa weh , tak tau ahhh , perasaan aku neh macam dah maty punn yee taw , aku tak paham nan diri aku neh , aku sedih , tapi die bukan ade nan aku , die bukan sapa2 untuk aku , yelaaa , dengan aku die buad macam tak kenal jee , nan adek aku , bukan maen rapat laaagi , mana laa aku tak hangen , aku neh punn manusia macam kau , kalau dulu time kite barubaru break , aku buadbuad tak knl kaw , kau marah aku kaaan , kau kata cepat betul aku lupee kau , padahal aku na pujuk diri tok lupekan kau , bukan apa weh , sekarang bila kau dah ada yang baru , yang lama terus kau dah tak ingat kaaaan , aku ingat lgi time kite kenal duluuu , aku tahu kau sangat lah baik dengan aku , tapi nak buad macam mana kaaan , dah aku tersuke kat orang laen , time tuh punn kau dah banyak berubah , aku kata jangan kawan nan org tuh kau kawan jugak . macam mana laaa aku tak marah , kita cpl nak dekat 10 bulan kaaan , tapi sekejap jee kau ade pengganti , bukan nak kata apa laa kan , dulu kau janji separuh haram laa dgn aku , sekarang bila aku buzz kau kat ym , ade kee kau na chat nan aku , tak kaaan , huh , sumpah sedih dengan perubahan kau kan , takpa laaa , asalkan kau bahagia laa dgn girlfriend kau uhh , tak perlu laaa kod aku buzz kau lps neh , kau punn tgh bahagia , aku punn sama , thanks laa eyy sebab kau pernah buaad aku gelak sampai nak pecah perut dulu , thanks eyy INTAN !
okaaay laaa , tanak cite pasal kau , and tanak laa sedihsedih pasal kau , kau kawan lame aku jee kan . takde mkne dee dalam lifee aku , buad laa apa kau nak buad , cume aku berdoa agar kau bahagia di samping dia dan perangai kau akan berubah kepada sedia kala okaaaaay !
tadi aku dapat text si die , kata nyaaa ;
ad org bg no at b lah.
i xkenal.time i ngah isi borg then die tnye bout keje y i dah keje lme ke sume lah.then i btau jela ape y ptot.then die kte nak knl leh x?i kte nak knl xde hal la.then die bg no suoh text nanti2,nama nurul.i xknl pon
yelaa , org hawt kaaan , nak buad apa . redha jelaaa . nak marah takde hak laa pulak , neh kan lagi nak kata takyah layan , aku nan die bukan ade pape lgy punn , nak buad macam mana kaaaan . kat sini jelaa aku ckp , nak cakap nan die , malu ahhh , nty kunk die pk apa laaaaaaaak .
im offically in love
tentang kekasih , tentang cintaa
sayang awak....
Dye saya kenali penuh kenakalan tapi disebaliknya tersurat kasih sayang yang disirati kemanjaan. Dye juga sangat degill tapi sifat sabar dan tabah ada padanya. Dalam tak dijangka,,,kini dye sudah ponn mengisi ruang di haty nehh...
awak,,,terima kaseh yer,,,sekali lagi awak hangatkan haty perasaan jiwa saya dengan kehadiran cinta awak. segalanya tentang awak saya suka waima ada kalanya mengguris haty saya nehh,,,biasalaaa xsemuanya sempurnakannn...tapi kita boleh merubahnyaaaaa kan???
nowadays, saya dah mula kerja, jadi agak sibuk mencari rezeki untuk diri sendiri keluarga n macam2 lahhh kepentingan lagyyy...pape ponnn saya cuba nak luangkan dengan awak,,,even kita xpenah jumpa kan,,asal dapat text n coll awak ponn dah cukup kan,,,mentang2 lahhh now pakai Digi Easy..makin menjadi2 lak kan...hahahaha
soory kadang2 buat awak rasa sunyi tapi saya tetap bangga ada awak sayang...awak belajar untuk bersikap prihatin dengan masa saya,, awak fahami kepenatan saya..papeponn awak jangan isau k baby,coz i awz mish uuu...u punn kena laaa selalu rindu2 saya tau...sebab saya kan sayang awak....:)
awak...bila la erk kiter nak p cotton island yer??? berangan dahh mimpi ponn dah, ,,gambar,,,lagi laaa dah siap...hehehehe...lawak ahhhh
so sampai sini dulu lahh...continue nex tyme erk...papai bloggers papai my sweet heart,,, :P
*this is from P*** , thanks kerana menyinari hidup saya dulu awak :D sekarang number dg punn tak ada kat awak kan syg , sye syg awak !
ku intai cinta dalam rahsia ♥
♥ this is only for you baby :D ♥
well , i miss you a lot , tiba tiba saya teringin nak bukak number digi saya , seriously awokk , saya rendu apa yang awak cakap kat saya dulu , mana pergi janji awak nak jaga saya , mana janji awak nak teman saya malam2 kalau saya tak boleh tido ? mana janji awak tu sayang ? i miss youuu
thanks fer the stuff :D
kenapa aku nak keluarkan gambar neh ? tiada hasrat nak show off , :D kakak rendu mak laaaaa , neh mak aku bagi masa aku nak msok stdy dulu , time tu aku sangat laa rapat dengan mak , kamcing sangat laa kan , bila adek aku dah carik pasal dengan aku , segalan nyaa berubah , susah sangat laa nak tengok mak aku call , nak tengok mak aku msg punn susah , aku punn dah kire malas laa nak amek tau , yang aku tau aku datang sarawak neh sebab nak belajar , tp semua yang jadi neh menjadi penghalang buat aku nak stdy , hati aku sakit bila aku tak dapat nak stdy betul , boleh stdy , tp bila aku failed nak buat something , aku jadi sangat laaa sakit
haha dengan nada yang gembira
hangpa nak tau awat aku dok speaking kedah kat bawah nun ? tudiaaaa , cik tipah carik pasai dengan aku laaaa , neh nak habaq kat hampa semua , awat laa die nak prebet messages bagai , kalau hang berani nak berkelaih dengan aku , hang habaq mai dengan aku , aku bukan nak kuang ajaq dengan hang , tapi hang buat aku marah laa weh , hang ingat aku apa woihh , aku ada perasaaaaaan la haram jadah woihhh , hang cakap laa hang ada relationship dengan cik bedah tuhh , ada aku kesah kaaa ? aku tak kesah laa weh , hang nak aku print screen apa hang habaq kat cik senah belakang rumah hang tu ka ? hang hapdet status panjang lebaq , pastu ada hat tersirat pulak , memang hang getaq laaa woi , aku bukan nak carik gaduh dengan hang , tapi hang yang carik pasai dengan aku , aku cool jaaaa weh , tak ada nak temper bagai , straight to the point laa weh , aku menyampah laa kalau orang hat macam neh , nth laa weh , aku taktau laaa macam mana aku boleh sayang kat hang , sampai hang buat taik depan aku punn , aku sayang kat hang wehhh , kadang2 aku naik meluat haihhh , menyampah semua ada , hang tak payah nak bajet jadi jennifer lopes laaa , hang tu kueh lopaihh , haih , ini bukan entry nak keji hang , tapi nak bagi hang sedaq hat aku tak suka kalau hang berterusan kutuk aku kat org hat muke korea tuhhh , haha , hang pikiaq laa sapa aku cakap nohhhh , hang boleh tau sapa hang laa masa tu nohh , hang yang aku kenai dulu dengan sekarang jauh beza oihhhh , takpa laaaa , hang go on laa dulu , hang kan nak berubah daaaah , mana tau lepaih neh nak bela rambut panjang lepaihh sampai pungkoq ! bye
*sorry kalau hang terasa
yes or no thai movie
i've just watch this fucking awesome movie :D really amazing , best laa aku habaq kat hang wehhh . tak lari ahh dengan type aku , haha ,
yes or no ? errr
selamat menonton :D
disaat mulut berjanji , tetapi hati tak pernah merelakan nya
Adalah sesuatu yang menyakitkan ketika kita mencintai seseorang, namun ia tak pernah membalasnya, tetapi yang lebih menyakitkan adalah ketika kita mencintai seseorang sedangkan kita tidak pernah dapat menemukan keberanian untuk mengungkapkan perasaan kita padanya. Sebuah hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup ketika kita bertemu dengan seseorang, yang sangat berarti bagi kita, hanya untuk mengetahui pada akhirnya seseorang tersebut tidak ditakdirkan untuk bersama kita, sehingga kita harus dengan berat hati membiarkannya pergi dan berlalu. Teman terbaik adalah teman dimana ketika kita duduk bersama disebuah ayunan, tanpa ada ucapan sekatapun, dan ketika harus berpisah dengannnya, terasa seolah hal tersebut merupakan percakapan paling menyenangkan yang pernah dilakukan bersama. Adalah benar bahwa kita takkan pernah tahu apa yang telah kita dapatkan hingga kita kehilangannya. Tetapi adalah benar juga, ketika kita tidak tahu apa yang telah hilang hingga hal tersebut menghampiri kita. Impikan saja apa yang ingin kita impikan, pergi saja kemanapun kita ingin pergi, jadilah sebagai sosok yang kita inginkan, karena kita hanya memiliki satu buah kehidupan dan satu buah kesempatan untuk dapat melakukan semua hal yang kita inginkan. Letakkan diri kita sebagai layaknya orang lain, jika kita merasa hal yang kita lakukan akan menyakiti diri kita, hal tersebut mungkin akan menyakiti yang lain pula. Kata-kata yang terucap tanpa perhitungan mungkin akan menyulut perselisihan, perkataan yang kejam dapat menghancur-kan kehidupan, sebuah kata yang tak tepat mungkin juga mampu menambah beban batin seseorang, dan… sebuah kata yang penuh cinta kasih mungkin dapat menyembuhkan dan memberikan berkah. Orang yang paling bahagia adalah orang yang tidak merasa selalu membutuhkan semua hal terbaik, mereka hanya berfikir bagaimana menciptakan semua hal menjadi terbaik bagi mereka, yang berlalu dalam hidupnya. Cinta dimulai dengan sebuah senyum dan berakhir dengan air mata. Ketika kita dilahirkan, kita adalah orang yang menangis, sementara orang-orang disekeliling kita tersenyum bahagia.Ketika kita menanggalkan hidup, maka kita adalah pihak yang tersenyum begitu bahagia… sementara orang disekeliling kita menangis.
disaat hati mengungkap kata sayang padanya
sambail menaip entry dengan tahaaaaaaap gaban nak nangis sebab rendukan die , uwaaaaa , kenapa gaduh dengan die , kenapaaaaaa ? macam sedih jee kan , biase laaa , ini laa punca nya kalau suka berjanji mahu ketemu , tetapi tidak mengendahkan janji yang dibuad , hanya janji kosong sajaaaa . agak mengecewa kan , takpa laaa , dalam beberapa jam insya Allah akan pulih , saya rendu awak laa sayang m betul laa sayang , ngak tipu dehhhhh !
sedih laa awaaaaaak ! jangan la macam neh sayaaaaaaang :) nak awak laaaaa :( i miss you :P
oh tuhan , buka la hati nya , ceh , poyo laa weh ! surry laaa , sangat laa sedih sekarang neh , im sorry sayang , saya tahu silap saya , saya tahu hari ini kita gaduh punca dari saya , im sury sweethearts sayaaaaang , surry laa awaaaaak , saya rendu awaaaak , tapi saya ego kan sayang , hmp , awak dah lama kenal saya kaaaaan ? kita takan tinggai each other kaaan babyyyy ? *maaf laa , entry berbaur jiwang naaak mati , sorry taw sayang :P
hmp , awak dah tak sayang saya keeee ? hmmp
jennifer lopez
(Reuters) - Jennifer Lopez was named People Magazine's most beautiful woman in the world on Wednesday, capping a career comeback fueled by her new job on top-rated TV show "American Idol".
The 41-year-old New York City-born singer and actress joined former winners Halle Berry, Jennifer Garner and Beyonce Knowles to top People's annual list of the world's most beautiful people.
"It's so crazy. Rarely am I left speechless, but I feel honored," Lopez told People of their accolade. "I feel not worthy, you know? I feel happy and proud. Proud that I'm not 25!."
The "Wedding Planner" actress, who is married to singer Marc Anthony and took time off to have twins in 2008, has enjoyed a revival in popularity since becoming a judge this year on talent show "American Idol".
Her new single, the dance pop hit, "On The Floor," has been topping charts around the world, giving Lopez her first Top 10 Billboard single since "All I Have" in 2003.
Lopez, who was dropped by her record label in 2010 after disappointing sales, releases her first new studio album in four years in May, called "Love?".
Lopez told People she felt better now than she did in her 20s. "In my 20s, I just wasn't there in my mind and my soul and my spirit. It's just great to be in the position I'm in now and be able to share that with the world."
Known for her flawless skin and curvy figure, she attributed looking good to her personal life. "I think it's because I have a lot of love in my life. I feel lucky to be an attractive person, but I've always felt that real beauty always comes from your heart."
Since signing up last year for "American Idol", -- the most-watched TV show in the United States -- Lopez has been named the celebrity face of products ranging from beauty firm L'Oreal, to Venus razors and the Gucci children's clothes collection
aku nak jadi perempuan macam playful kiss .
kalau korang perasan la kan , kat sebelah yang banyak banyak link neh kire macam final project aku laaaa , walawehhh , susah bak hang subject aku amek neh , rasa nak terjun dari tingkat 5 neh wehh , tapi masih bersabar menanti apa yang dataaaang :D dengan harapan semua nyaa membuahkan hasil , insya allah :) korang doakan lah aku okaaay . mana tau aku berjaya kelak , mesti korang suke kaaaan , and doakan aku mampu harung semua neh :D
apa motif aku letak gambar lelaki masa depan aku ?
aku nak jadi macam oh hani sebab musababnyaaa , die tak pernahh putus asa nak carik cinta sejati die , and die tak pernah nak berpaling arah , so suwittt , aku nak jadi macam neh jugaaaaaak , tak kiraaa nak jugaak macam neh , okaaaaaay my baby P ? hehe . i love you tau awak , bukan nak terkinja kinja , tapi nak tunjuk kat awak yang saya sayang awak sangat sangaaaaat tau , pls laa mengerti , tadi saya tengok gambar awak , suwit nyaaa sayang :D i love you more laa rasanyaaa :)) be mine pleaseee baby :D
Ramadhan Giveaway
meh juin GA neh , dapaaaaaat duet rayaaa :D
nak juin meh TEKAN sini :D
Tempat Pertama : Rm 100
Tempat Kedua : Rm 80
Tempat Ketiga : Rm 50
Tempat Keempat : Rm 30
Tempat Kelima : Rm20
"GIVEAWAY by Atiqah Norazli"
1. korunk kena lah jadi follower blog tikah ni..
2.Then, korunk kena like page tikah kt SINI
3.Pas uh, korunk wt entry kt post korunk mcm niyh
"GIVEAWAY by Atiqah Norazli"
4. paste banner yg simple kt ats niyh dkt post yg korunk wt uh..
5.paste arn hadiah2 dibwh ni ke dlm post korunk

hey . im so sleepy :D
arghhh , aku bangun lambat laa sangat hari nehhh , 7.30 baru laa sedar , macam tak percaya jee alarm handphone comel aku tak ada bunyii , mule la aku mengerjakan tugas sebagai seorang pelajar uitm yang gigih lagi bersemangat , cepatcepat mandi macam ali baba . haha , siap jugak pkol 7.40 , haha , express rakyat taaak aku , pakai bju 5 minit , messy gila laa pergi class hari neh , haha , lepas tuh aku pun melangkahkan kaki pergi class dengan kadar yang segeraaaa :D kira macam berlumba perjalan kaki laaaa , sampai class , ramai rupenya tak datang class . aku ingt tak ada apa apa . lepas tuh pokpekpokpek , 8.30 baru laa start class , apa laa lecturer aku nehhh , penat laa aku lari dari hostek ke fakulti dengan harapan yang semangat wajar nak ke class , haha ,. last last sir bad mood sebab ramai yang tak ada , kite org jugak yang kena tadah telinga , terima kasih sir sebab menyedarkan kami , makin semangat aku nak pergi clas harihari , haha , rajin kaaaaan aku , walau apa perasaan sangat malas laaa disitu , haha . okaaaay babai :)
its more to my life style :)
they are really my bestfriend :) thanks always be with me yaw guys :D
My freind is all of these!
Friendship is to trust
Friendship is having the kindness to help
Friendship is giving to others without thinking
Friendship is being there when someone need you
Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day
Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive
Friendship is listening
Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to
Friendship can be many things
Friendship is different for everyone
Friendship could be holding a hand for support
Friendship is lending your shoulder to cry on
Friendship is mellow
Friendship is giving back
Friendship is only taking that what you need
Friendship can be that voice of reason you give
Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed
Friendship stands the test of time
Friendship is show in many different ways
Friendship can be everlasting
Friendship is not always an easy thing
Friendship is hard to break apart
Friendship is strong
Friendship should never be taken for granted
Friendship is meant to be shared with all
Friendship is free and rewarding to share
Friendship can be unforgettable
Friendship is priceless to many
Friendship is a secret never to be told
Friendship is not having to say sorry but do
Friendship is not judging no matter what
Friendship is to share, the joy and the fear
Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
Freindship is just knowing they are there
Freindship is very personal
Freindship is all of thes things and many more
This is are how I see friendship
To have a true Friend is the best thing to achieve
We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them.
Friendship is to trust
Friendship is having the kindness to help
Friendship is giving to others without thinking
Friendship is being there when someone need you
Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day
Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive
Friendship is listening
Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to
Friendship can be many things
Friendship is different for everyone
Friendship could be holding a hand for support
Friendship is lending your shoulder to cry on
Friendship is mellow
Friendship is giving back
Friendship is only taking that what you need
Friendship can be that voice of reason you give
Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed
Friendship stands the test of time
Friendship is show in many different ways
Friendship can be everlasting
Friendship is not always an easy thing
Friendship is hard to break apart
Friendship is strong
Friendship should never be taken for granted
Friendship is meant to be shared with all
Friendship is free and rewarding to share
Friendship can be unforgettable
Friendship is priceless to many
Friendship is a secret never to be told
Friendship is not having to say sorry but do
Friendship is not judging no matter what
Friendship is to share, the joy and the fear
Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
Freindship is just knowing they are there
Freindship is very personal
Freindship is all of thes things and many more
This is are how I see friendship
To have a true Friend is the best thing to achieve
We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them.
friendship is more important fer me :)
Friendship freezes misspoken or misinterpreted words.
Friendship melts the shadows of the heart.
Friendship's soul swells rolling the emblazoned red carpet at our doorways.
Friendship is the bridge binding two islands.
Friendship is one fragrant blossom meeting the perfect ground.
Friendship is wild laughing by the swishing stream.
Friendship is watching leaves turn stunning colours.
Friendship is a golden chain with luck charms worn about the neck or wrist.
Friendship is the turquoise stone tucked away in the pocket or enveloped under the pillow.
Friendship is a frog sitting beside a bold bright yellow rose on a Sunday morning in August.
Friendship extends its magical arms for it is not the receiving but the giving.
Friendship is creating a mood positive and light.
Our friendship is the air, fire, earth, and water of the universe!
Friendship melts the shadows of the heart.
Friendship's soul swells rolling the emblazoned red carpet at our doorways.
Friendship is the bridge binding two islands.
Friendship is one fragrant blossom meeting the perfect ground.
Friendship is wild laughing by the swishing stream.
Friendship is watching leaves turn stunning colours.
Friendship is a golden chain with luck charms worn about the neck or wrist.
Friendship is the turquoise stone tucked away in the pocket or enveloped under the pillow.
Friendship is a frog sitting beside a bold bright yellow rose on a Sunday morning in August.
Friendship extends its magical arms for it is not the receiving but the giving.
Friendship is creating a mood positive and light.
Our friendship is the air, fire, earth, and water of the universe!
hello , sometimes i feel more better :)
alhamdulillah , sometimes i feel more better than yesterday , i admit that i really miss you . i've tried for forgeting you love :) finally , i can't ! surry awak . saya takboleh laa macam neh , semua pasal awak saya rendu , seriously saya sangat laa rendu awak sayang , kalau laa awak tahu apa yang saya rasa kan best kan awak . saya rendu nak talk2 dengan awak laaa P :( rendu nak maen gelak gelak . rendu nak macam macam laa awak , can i have you backk :) im begging you P :)
buildtech the best :)
entri menepek gambar budak comel banyak banyak , haha , comel kan budak baaawah neh , baik kata comel , tak punn aku lempang :D last sunday aku pergi main bowling laa under fakulti aku , aku punyee laa tak tido malam tuh sebab aku eksited nak main bowlingg , whoaaah , STATEMENT neh okaaaay , sanggup budak comel neh tak tyto taaaau , pagi tuh masa die nak gerak pegi main bowling , penat laa die tepek foundation kat mata die , haha , tp still nampaaak jugaaaak :D
* sila manjamu dengan gambar yg disediakaaaan :*
* aku terer laaa , okaaay , jumm beat aku pleaseeee :D
tengok laaaa , ada gaya apaaaa , dulu masa umor aku 9 bulaaan , ayah aja macam neh laaa :P
haaaaappy nyaaa , tu laa kakak ipaaaaaaaar kesayaaaangan :P
surry yaya , tu kakak aku taaaau , kau dah ada ash :D
selamat menjaaamu selera , this is my really bestfriend :D
the most exciting people in my life :) geng kite dekan kaaaan , gelak gelak jugaaak kaaan , stdy always laa kan . tengok jee macam neh kaaan , tapi stdy sampai pagi kan guys :)
my really exciting friends :) she's remind me on something sometimes :) yaya , jgn nak bercinta sangat laa okaaaay , belajaaar jugaaak okaaay :) i love you yaya :D
lelaki masa hadapan :)
nah aku tepek gambar lelaki masa hadapan aku , * jangan terkejut kalau die aku punyee nty , aku nak buat mcm die buat dlm cite playful kiss tuh , auww , so suwitt syg :)
fall down
"i think you need give me time for ths big dicision.
if u ready and sure wht u been doing now jst go syg.
i aint gonna cry n i wont beg u to stay wth me.
if u ask about me about my feelings towards u,
u already knw the answr.dont ask me,ask urself:)"
* i really miss you P
yeaaaaay :D menang GA laaa
terkejut aku dapaaaat menang GA :) whee . suke laaaa . rezeki birthdaaay aku laa tuh , thanks cik putih :*
kenapa aku diseksa sebegini sekali
ditemani lagi yag sedih neh , aku pun update laa blog , aku rendu kau wehh , kau sedaaaa tak ? haih . i miss you badly awak , awak ingat lagi taaaak janji awak semua dulu ? awak ingaaat tak ? sye cube nak benci awak , tp kenapa tak boleeeh ?
hari neh saya text awak , tp kenapa awak tak rep , akhirnya awak naik status mcm neh kat fb , kenapa awak tak reply jee msg sye awak , knpee awak ? takpa la awak , serious sye give up dgn semua neh :(
awak tahu betapa indahnya PERCINTAAN ?
sebab tu saya simpan semua KENANGAN..
awak nak tahu kenapa saya selalu tengok WALL awak ?
sebab saya nak tahu KEADAAN awk..
saya tak boleh tengok orang COUPLE..
sebab nanti saya TERINGATKAN awak..
saya tak suka mana mana **** pun..
sebab saya SUKA awk..
saya tak TERIMA mana mana **** pun dalam hidup saya..
sebab saya tak nak ade orang GANTIKAN tempat awak..
kenapa saya masih SINGLE ?
sebab saya masih SAYANG awak..
kenapa saya masih teruskan kehidupan ni TANPA awak ?
sebab saya akan tetap MENANTI awak..
kenapa saya tak nak orang lain sedangkan banyak lagi yang lebih BAIK dari awak ?
sebab saya cume nak awak SEORANG dalam hidup saya..
kenapa saya MENANGIS bila saya teringatkan awak ?
sebab saya RINDUKAN awak..
kenapa kadang kadang saya tak nak TERUSKAN hidup ni ?
sebab saya tak boleh hidup TANPA awak..
kenapa saya suka HAPPYKAN diri sendiri ?
sebab saya tak nak fikirkan betapa SEKSANYER saya menanti awak..
kenapa saya tak nak orang lain tahu PERASAAN saya ?
sebab perasaan saya HANYA untuk awak..
kenapa sampai sekarang saya tak ade tempat MENGADU ?
sebab saya hanya nak mengadu dengan AWAK..
kenapa saya tak pernah LUPAKAN awak ?
sebab awak sentiasa berada dalam INGATAN saya..
kenapa saya tak nak bagi KASIH SAYANG saya pada orang lain ?
sebab kasih sayang saya HANYA pada awak..
kenapa saya banyak ENJOY dengan kawankawan saya ?
sebab saya tak nak terlalu MEMIKIRKAN awak..
kenapa saya tak nak MEMIKIRKAN awak ?
sebab awak bukan MILIK saya lagi..
kenapa awak HADIR dalam hidup saya ?
sebab jodoh pertemuan telah DITENTUKAN..
kenapa awak TINGGALKAN saya selepas dah dapatkan saya ?
sebab dah TAK ADA jodoh, na wat macammana ?
kenapa adakan PERTEMUAN jika diakhiri dengan PERPISAHAN ?
sebab itulah LUMRAH KEHIDUPAN...
sye copy paste neh semua , sye tau awak keep in touch dgn blog sye ,
tp knpe awak tak pernaaah nak rep text sye ?
what is ramadhan
Ramadan 2010 (the year 1431 AH, according to the Muslim reckoning) runs from approximately August 11 to September 9. The exact dates depend on one's geographical location.
A blessed month has arrived. Observing it in fasting is mandated on you. During this month, the gates of Paradise will be opened and the gates of Hellfire will be closed. (Abu Hureirah)
Ramadan mubarak! (a blessed Ramadan!)
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the most sacred of the twelve months. The name Ramadan derives from the Arabic word for intense heat and sun-scorched ground. A number of reasons have been advanced to explain the linguistic connection:
- It refers to the hot, dry sensation of thirst during this month of fasting
- Ramadan scorches out evil like the sun scorches the earth
- Just as heat shapes and influences all matter — organic and inorganic — so does Ramadan shape and influence the believer
The Koran mandates fasting during the month of Ramadan:
The month of Ramadan is that in which the Koran was revealed, a guidance to men and clear proofs of the guidance and the distinction; therefore whoever of you is present in the month, he shall fast therein, and whoever is sick or upon a journey, then (he shall fast) a (like) number of other days... (sura 2.185, known as The Cow)
Why fast?
- to develop patience and self-control
- to learn sympathy for the deprived
- to cleanse the body and mind
- to gain appreciation for Allah's bounty
- to demonstrate the depth of one's commitment
- to protect against sin. A hadith states: "Satan runs in the circulatory system of the son of Adam in the same way blood circulates in our system; so tighten his passages with hunger."
There are, then, three levels of the Ramadan fast:
- refraining from the physical things that are forbidden (performed with the mouth/stomach/sexual organs)
- restraining oneself from saying, hearing and looking at forbidden things (performed with the senses)
- renewing one's devotion to Allah (performed with the heart and mind).
Special meals are eaten before and after each day of fasting: suhoor before the dawn prayers, and iftar, the evening meal often eaten communally and often including dates.
I swore by the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the breath of the faster is sweeter to Allah on the Day of Judgment than the scent of musk. (Abu Hureirah)
In addition, Ramadan is a time for increased devotion, reading of the Koran, self-improvement, community involvement, charity and good deeds.
He who does not desist from obscene language and acting obscenely, Allah has no need that he did not eat or drink. (Bukhari)
Ramadan and the new moon
When does Ramadan begin and end? This question is complicated by a number of factors. One, the Islamic calendar (hijrah) is based on the moon, and does not compensate for the extra days the solar calendar has over the lunar one. Thus, while the fast of Ramadan always begins on 1 Ramadan according to the Islamic calendar, the Gregorian date changes every year. So whatever date Ramadan starts on a given year, it'll start about 11-12 days earlier next year, and so on. This means the holy month can fall in any season of the year; it takes about 35 years for Ramadan to complete a whole cycle through the seasons.
Second, the beginning of Ramadan (as with all months of the Islamic calendar) is traditionally based on a sighting of the hilal — the crescent, or new, moon. If it is reported by a witness in front of a committee of elders by the evening of the 29th day of the previous month, Sha'aban, then Ramadan starts on day 30. If not — because the sky is cloudy or the moon set before the sky grew dark enough to see it — then Sha'aban lasts 30 days and Ramadan starts the next day. Western countries are more likely to begin Ramadan a day earlier than eastern countries, since moonset occurs later farther west and there's more chance of the moon being seen on the 29th of Sha'aban.
Some Islamic legal opinions rule that the date of Ramadan can be determined by astronomical calculations and does not require the sighting of a new moon.
The same procedure applies at the end of Ramadan.
The night of power
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months,
The angels and the Spirit descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair,
Peace, it is, until the break of the dawn. (Sura 97)
Laylat al-Qadr (lit., the night of destiny) is the night of revelation and the night of judgment. This night lends Ramadan its special character. On this night, Muhammad, alone in the wilderness near Mecca, was first taught Koranic verses by the angel Jibril, and the teaching continued for 10 days. Also on this night, Allah determines the course of the world for the coming year. Thus, pious Muslims spend the night (when possible, the entire 10-day period) in their mosques and devote themselves to extra prayers and study. Children are taught to watch for the opening of the sky on Laylat al-Qadr and make a wish.
There is no consensus which night of Ramadan is Laylat al-Qadr. It could be any odd-numbered night from the 19th to the 29th. Sunni Muslims tend to celebrate this night on the 23rd, while many Shias believe it falls on the 27th.
Breaking the fast
When Ramadan is over, on the first day of the next month, Shawwal, Muslims celebrate Id al-Fitr (lit., feast of the breaking of the fast).
Id al-fitr is a day of joy, thankfulness, piety, forgiveness, peace and brotherhood. Worshipers dress in their finest clothes, preferably new ones, and, after special early-morning prayers held in large mosques or other venues, visit each other to exchange greetings and good wishes. Special alms, zakat, are given; children receive gifts; and feuds and disputes are settled. Together with the sadness at the end of Ramadan comes the joy at having been granted by Allah the strength to perform the fast.
Eid mubarak!
See also:
Basic Muslim Beliefs
Pillars of Islam (Sunni)
Branches of Religion (Shia)
List of battles fought during Ramadan by Muslims
Basic Muslim Beliefs
Pillars of Islam (Sunni)
Branches of Religion (Shia)
List of battles fought during Ramadan by Muslims
Read more:
benefits of fasting in islam
Philosophy and Ahkam
By Yasin T. al Jibouri
International Islamic Society of Virginia, Inc.In Islam, the spiritual, social, economic, political and psychological benefits of fast are interrelated, each affecting the other. Rituals regulate the Muslims' social and individual life and bring them closer to their Creator. A combination of fast, prayers, and meditation may be the very best dose for any and all psychological, financial, and spiritual ills from which one may be suffering. They purify the soul, cleanse the intention, and bring about an abundance of good from the Almighty Who is ever-watching over us and Who desires nothing but good for His sincere servants. On p. 353, Vol. 94, of Bihar al-Anwar, al-Majlisi traces a saying of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (as) saying that if one fasts at the beginning of a month, reciting in the first rek'at the Fatiha once and al-Ikhlas thirty times (i.e., as many as the maximum days of the lunar month), and the Fatiha once and al-Qadr thirty times in the second rek'at, following that with offering the poor something by way of charity, it will dispel everything about which he is apprehensive during the entire month. Two other rek'ats are described in the same reference as having even a greater effect on a believer's life: Imam al-Jawad (as) is quoted saying,
Whoever offers two optional rek'ats at the very beginning of the month of Ramadan, reciting in the first the Fatiha and the Fath, and in the other whatever surah (Qur'anic chapter) he likes, Allah, the most Exalted One, will not let him suffer anything bad during his entire year, and he will remain thus protected till the next year.During the month of Ramadan, the believers learn to curb their desires and check them against transgression, extravagance, and the yielding to the lower desires, all of which degenerate man and bring him to the pit of self-destruction and annihilation. Fast fosters a strong will, teaches patience and self-discipline, the ability to bear hardship and tolerate hunger and thirst. In short, it brings about a clear victory over one's illicit desires and selfish impulses. It regulates and systemizes the energies of instincts. It trains the body to submit to lofty spiritual impulses. It safeguards the body's health by protecting it against extravagance. It grants its organs a respite so that they may be ready to resume their activities. As medical science has proved, it is a medicine for many bodily and nervous ailments. It is a moral education, a nourishment of supreme virtues. It teaches the believer to abandon vices, to control emotions and instincts, to curb the tongue against saying what is wrong or inappropriate and the conscience against contemplating upon wrongdoing or subversion. It promotes the spirit of unity among members of the fasting commu- nity; it teaches them humility and humbleness and instills within them the feeling of equality before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. The rich have to observe it as well as the poor, the women as well as the men, the influential and powerful as well as the weak and downtrodden: they all have to observe the fast. It promotes the spirit of charity and compassion towards the poor and the needy, and it reminds each believer of the needs of other believers. Muslims share with each other Allah's blessings unto them. The believers strengthen their ties with the Almighty, since they express through fast a continuous desire to obey His Will and carry out His commandments. They also strengthen their ties with one another, since the month of Ramadan is the month of giving. It is the month for productive social inter- activity. Islam places a great deal of emphasis on moral excellence during this holy month. The holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) has said,
One who, while fasting, neither guards his tongue from telling lies nor refrains from doing bad deeds does not respect his fast, while Allah does not approve of mere abstention from food... When you fast, you should not speak ill of anybody, nor should you be boisterous or noisy. If anybody speaks ill of you or tries to pick a quarrel with you, do not respond to him in the same manner; rather, simply tell him that you are fasting.The institute of the fast is one of the signs of the Almighty's mercy on those who adhere to His divine creed, and it is never meant to put a hardship on anybody. The Almighty does not gain any benefit from putting hardship on anyone; on the contrary, He always tries to pave the way of happiness for His servants in this life and the life to come, and sometimes He even "pushes" them to do what is good for them, as is the case with making the fast of the month of Ramadan obligatory on every believing man and woman. But if you afford this great month a sincere and profound welcome, you will receive your rewards in many, many ways both in the short life of this fleeting world and in the eternal abode, Insha-Allah. Page 83, Vol. 1, of the first edition of al-Kulaylu's Al-Kafi, as al-Majlisi tells us on p. 354, Vol. 94, of his own Bihar al-Anwar, citing his own father quoting his mentor Shaykh the renowned faqih Ali ibn Muhammad al-Madayni quoting Sa'eed ibn Hibatullah al-Rawandi quoting Ali ibn Abdel- Samad al-Naisapuri quoting al-Dooryasti quoting Shaykh al-Mufid saying that on the first day of the month of Ramadan, one ought to supplicate thus:
Lord! The month of Ramadan has arrived, and You have required us to fast during it and revealed the Qur'an as guidance to people and a clear distinction of the guidance and the right criteria. O Lord! Help us observe its fast; accept the same from us; receive our fast from and safeguard the same for us in an ease from You and good health; surely You can do everything.Contributed by Br. Ali Abbas,