fuh fuhh , tiup sikit , berhabukkkkk , hachummm :)
sememangnyaa mood nak update blog tak ada sangaaaaat , menangis merenggek renggek taknak update belog , sebab dah malas sangaaat , dan sekarang viewer merajuk dengan akuuu , okaay fine , im sorry guyss :( setelah beberapa lama aku menyepi , lama jugak la aku tak sentuh belog akuuu , aku menangis , lebih kurang 3 minggu jugak laaaaa :'( okaay aku sedang menangis sambil lap hingus sikitt , err -____- macam macam jadi tau korang , and aku mampu tunduk dah senyum , bila orang tanya mengapa , kesihatan yang aku salahkan , tak apa laa kawan kawan , aku dah biasa dengan semua nyaa , aku tahu korang kesiankan akuu , tapi tak apaa , aku tahu jalan cerita hidup aku macam mana , aku still boleh bawak cerita akuu , aku pelakon dan aku laa pengarah dalam cerita aku , apa aku nak buat aku buat , tetapi , cerita aku ditentang kuat oleh kedua ibu bapa akuu , aku sedih , memang tak terkata , tapi apa aku nak buat , aku kena redha apa yang boleh aku bantah , aku bantah , kalau tak boleh , aku kena redha laaa , insya allah apa yang aku rancangkan berjalan dengan lancar

dan sememangnyaa , aku tak akan balik sarawak dah , okaaay . insya allah , kalau diizinkan tuhan untuk aku belajar lagi , aku akan sambung dekat unikl , tak apa , aku tabah nak hadap semuanyaaaa , aku tabah . aku kan kuat , walau apa jua dugaan aku harus tabah , kalau orang , kalau nak berjaya , mesti ada onak duri yang harus ditempuh , so aku nak bersabar , tak rugi kalau aku banyak bersabar , semoga tuhan terus berikan aku kekuatan :D malas nak thaipp .
kbai :D
❤ "fuh fuhh , tiup sikit , berhabukkkkk , hachummm :)" was Posted On: Monday, November 21, 2011 @5:14 AM | 0 lovely comments ✿
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because small things matter
Name: Your name
Residing in: Wherever you're residing in
School: Your schooling..?
Birthday: Your buttdaaay!
Status: Are you single like a pringle or
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
I was born in a little place called Kien Giang Rạch Giá in Vietnam. I lived there for one year and soon moved to the United States. I've been living in the United States ever since, and of course
I've visited Vietnam multiple times. I can understand French and Vietnamese. I drive and I work. FILL MY ABOUT ME WITH YOUUUUUUUUUURS.
about your site
Mochafrappes has been my official personal blogging site since 2009. I normally don't change my URL names
unless I have to for crucial reasons. It first started off with "ichooseyoumikichu", and I blogged for about 3 months and then I totally abandoned my blog for another
3+ months for tumblr. After getting used to tumblr, I only saw tumblr as a quick blogging site, and I moved back to blogspot because I can't seem to find tumblr as a serious personal blog, I think it's more for reblogging ideas and images.
Again, fill up my site about me with yours if not use this space for something else. Don't remove credit no matter what because that, my love, is called ripping and in the blogskin and layout-making community, that is shamed and frowned upon.