The layout was made specially for me.
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your beautiful name
Hello! I'm Asmidar.
my favorite guilt
cats food parties blogging. black white grey pink blue green red orange yellow purple something yay brown silver gold fill this area with whatever dont remove credit but be creative with this layout and fill it with YOU okay yeah this is just flling right now but go back and remove all my text with yours so the layout doesnt sound dumb lmao ok or google for some hit counter sites!
rendunya dekat die , tapi die macam buat tak tau jee :( sedih nyaa rasa ya allah
act sangat laa mengantuk , tapi hati asyik berkata tolonglah update belog kaaaan , nak buat apa , aku pun update laaa dengan keadaan emosi yang tak berapa stabil neh , kuatkan laa jugak hati neh , nak buat macam mana kan , bia lah semua tuh berlalu agar ia menjadi semangat buat diri aku yang agak hina tapi tanak laa kata hina , nak kata hebat jelaaa kan , sedih nak mati tahap kronik laa sekarang neh :( nak buat macam mana kan , hati aku kan suke memberontak , maaf laaa , aku tak kesah laa kau nak cakap apa , kamek sik kisah laaaaa !
aku sajikan laaa lahu neh untuk korg semua , bia korang faham laa apa yang aku maksudkan okaaaay ?
aku nak tunjuk laa kat korang sume deanlist part one 2011 kann , hebat laaa depa neh , wahaha -,-
neh laa deanlist fer buildtech nanti , haha
harap anda semua tak muntah laa okay , maaf na :)
kejap lagi aku and geng ada laa perjumpaan dengan senior building , macam penat sangat laa kan neh , tapi mmg penat pun weh , tak larat nyaaa , macam kat sekolah dulu jaaaak , kena rushing bagai laa kan , tapi nak buat macam mana kaaaan , mereka semua suruh buat , kata nak jadi pandai , JUST FOLLOW THE FLOW jela kaaaaan , haha :) aku sekarang tetibe je nak jadi ahli psykologi laaa , haha , padahal apa yang aku nasihatkan semua aku rasakan ada sindirin , waaaaaaaah , aku kan suka bercakap tanpa berlapikk , wahahaha , jujur tak aku dengan korang semua :P
maaf laa kalau andai kau terasa dengan sikap aku yang macam haram jadah neh okaaaaaay ,
kbai , penat :)
❤ "rendunya dekat die , tapi die macam buat tak tau jee :( sedih nyaa rasa ya allah" was Posted On: Sunday, June 12, 2011 @4:54 PM | 0 lovely comments ✿
View with Google Chrome in a 1280 x 800 SR. Inspired by Kaith, Images from ♥♥♥ Cursor from Images from ♥
because small things matter
Name: Your name
Residing in: Wherever you're residing in
School: Your schooling..?
Birthday: Your buttdaaay!
Status: Are you single like a pringle or
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
I was born in a little place called Kien Giang Rạch Giá in Vietnam. I lived there for one year and soon moved to the United States. I've been living in the United States ever since, and of course
I've visited Vietnam multiple times. I can understand French and Vietnamese. I drive and I work. FILL MY ABOUT ME WITH YOUUUUUUUUUURS.
about your site
Mochafrappes has been my official personal blogging site since 2009. I normally don't change my URL names
unless I have to for crucial reasons. It first started off with "ichooseyoumikichu", and I blogged for about 3 months and then I totally abandoned my blog for another
3+ months for tumblr. After getting used to tumblr, I only saw tumblr as a quick blogging site, and I moved back to blogspot because I can't seem to find tumblr as a serious personal blog, I think it's more for reblogging ideas and images.
Again, fill up my site about me with yours if not use this space for something else. Don't remove credit no matter what because that, my love, is called ripping and in the blogskin and layout-making community, that is shamed and frowned upon.
Travel to Japan Travel to Korea Make a smoothie Get all A's! Get into top 50% in school Go to DisneyLand Learn how to cook! New phone (iPhone 4!) Hair curler Watch X-men: First Class
Sled! Go to Schlitterbahn w/friends! New laptop Get my drivers license Get a pomeranian! Own a cute dress Watch Cow Boys Vs. Alien Own a kitty Get braces off Get Photoshop CS5 (or 4)
Successfully create accessories Own a DSLR or CyberShot Have my own bathroom Own a Hybrid Get Nudy Gray lense Legit nerf gun war Go to Paris or London ♥ Own a Tablet! Save up over $500 Watch the Zookeeper