chapter 30
sedang aku berblogwalking , terjumpa bende alah neh , astaga , meremang segala bulu yang ada kaaat badan aku , subahanaAllah , dunia kite dah usang . hanya tunggu masa , ya Allah ya Tuhanku , aku tak kuat na hadapi ujian mu ini ya Allah , kau lindungi laa aku dari segala bencana ya Allah . :(
salam~ bcer nie. Semalam. siaran RTM di Negeri Pahang. tergempar
ramai orang terdengar bunyi dentuman yang sangat kuat di susuli gempa
bumi selama 3 minit, mungkin ini tanda2nya.
> kpd semua yg
bergelar muslim,hari nie pakar meteorologi bhgn bunyi dr Rusia m'dapati
sesuatu bunyi ganjil spt ngauman raksasa dr bwh mantel bumi.menurut
para ulama kemungkinan besar itu ialah suara Dajjal y b'usaha utk naik
ke muka bumi.oleh itu,kte disuruh sentiasa x berhenti azan dan
solat,sebarkn kpd umat ISLAM yg lain. Amanah! Wallahualam. KITA YANG
MENENTUKAN DIRI KITA Jgn skip utk bace ni. Sebarkan kalau sayang pada
dalamnya. POKEMON bermaksud saya yahudi,> PIKACHU bermaksud jadilah
seorang yahudi. CHARMANDER bermaksud ALLAH itu lemahnauzubilla. . h) .
> jadi. tolonglah SEBARKAN kepada rakan2 chat korang semua.
sumer org yg ade bobba messenger (ym), tolong jangan add org yg id die
macam ni: bobba die cuba nak murtadkan org
Islam. tolong forwardkan mesej ni kepada sumer org Islam!(kalau rase
sayang ngan org Islam la. kalau tak sayang, x payah forward!)
jngan smbong n bongkak..skrng korng gembra larh. tnggu balasan dkat
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because small things matter
Name: Your name
Residing in: Wherever you're residing in
School: Your schooling..?
Birthday: Your buttdaaay!
Status: Are you single like a pringle or
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
I was born in a little place called Kien Giang Rạch Giá in Vietnam. I lived there for one year and soon moved to the United States. I've been living in the United States ever since, and of course
I've visited Vietnam multiple times. I can understand French and Vietnamese. I drive and I work. FILL MY ABOUT ME WITH YOUUUUUUUUUURS.
about your site
Mochafrappes has been my official personal blogging site since 2009. I normally don't change my URL names
unless I have to for crucial reasons. It first started off with "ichooseyoumikichu", and I blogged for about 3 months and then I totally abandoned my blog for another
3+ months for tumblr. After getting used to tumblr, I only saw tumblr as a quick blogging site, and I moved back to blogspot because I can't seem to find tumblr as a serious personal blog, I think it's more for reblogging ideas and images.
Again, fill up my site about me with yours if not use this space for something else. Don't remove credit no matter what because that, my love, is called ripping and in the blogskin and layout-making community, that is shamed and frowned upon.